26 April, 2012

Thaddeus Velk unleashed...

Settled on the name and put in the last hour of painting tonight. Proper dark moody pictures for a sinister villain-type character.

Studio style pictures when I find the time and interest...


  1. Whoo! Yeah! Honoured :)

    He looks amazing, JRN. The top picture is magical.

  2. Another beautiful figure, thank you very much for sharing your creations with us.

    You're one of the many people that have inspired me try my hand at running a blog.

  3. Splendid. I always love the mood lighting shots.

  4. He looks nicely evil. I'm as allways inspirered :-)
    I really likke the dirty look on the cloak.

  5. Sinister fellow if ever I saw.... And might I say, a little insanity within this presence?

    Lovely work as ever!

  6. JRN,
    Do you happen to know what set/bit Velk's head had come from? I have been trolling all over the GW and forgeworld site looking for it but have yet to identify it's origin.

  7. The head for the model is from the Flagellant sprue. He has had his hair shaven off, and also he has had arms removed from the part as well. He is the flagellant who's hands are stuck in a wooden stock.

  8. Thank you very much for that information! I have ordered the appropriate pieces and I hope to do as much justice to my version of Velk.
