19 November, 2015

Intermezzo: a Nurgle Plaquebearer

 About a month back I prepped a standard model on a Thursday evening and had a nice 2-3 hours painting session on the Friday evening. My favorite kind of miniature painting. Start and finish during the same painting session. Like cooking a great meal and then sitting down to enjoy the food! Nice!

Inspired but the great adventures of David Soper on Sproket's Small World picked a Plaguebearer for the session. Great fun to just work back and forth with the skifting skin colours.


  1. Nice!

    Plaguebearers are perfect for these kinds of sessions - they´re so much fun to paint. You simply pick a base colour and then it´s just a matter of making it as disgusting as you possibly can...

  2. It's always good to see an update to your blog, and this is my favourite kind! Just one perfectly painted model with a nice, simple yet atmospheric base! It really shows what somebody can do in just three hours! (which is about all the painting time per week I get these days)

    1. Exactly. To me time is also very limited, so it is all about spending whatever hobby time I have in the right way. Needs to be fun, rewarding and not too time-consuming.
