02 June, 2015

Chaos Champion of Slaanesh, WIP

Work in progress - almost there, actually. Still the base to do.

Vallejo Model Color Transparent Red mixed into most colours and areas...


  1. I thought I knew the model but I'm just rediscovering it, it's a very nice sensation.

  2. Great looking miniature. That pink ribbon is adorable. DECEPTIVELY ADORABLE!

  3. Yeah, that's tasty :)

    It's been ages since I saw one of these guys painted up, well done!

  4. God(ofdarkpleasures)damn beautiful!

  5. Looks great Jakob, your style goes well with these old-school sculpts. How do Vallejo's clear colours compare to Tamiya's? Also, have you had the chance to try Scale 75's metallics?

    1. Have not tried Vallejo clear colours, but this one - a transparent ink - is very strong and is good to mix into other colours and washes. Overall, this particular red ink is one of my favorite colours which I always seem to use. It is very different to Tamiya clears which has that particular life of it's own.

      I have not tried the Scale 75 metallics, but I have heard good things. It is for both brush and/or airbrush?

    2. They work with both, although I've only used them with a brush. I'm very impressed wih them.

  6. Awesome! Love the play between the generally warm colours and the skin that has blues and greens in it! Also your style and oldschool chaos is a match made in heaven!

  7. Thanks for all for the encouragement. I have had this model around for so long, but finally decided to give it a go. I am glad I did so. Since I did a Nurgle champion last year, next one up ought to be a Tzeentch or a Khorne guy I guess...

  8. Those Slaaneshi models from the late 80s are so amazing - really love seeing them get fresh paint jobs :)
