07 June, 2015

Chaos Champion of Slaanesh, finished

 Just about done. For now at least. Great fun to paint building up the colours and working those purple and magenta tones into the model.


  1. I lvoe seeing these older figs painted up. What's even more special is the style of work is also old school. Makes you realize the classic still rate. Very good, mate, very good.

  2. Wonderful work. It's a subtle, but still unmistakeably Slaaneshy colour scheme.

  3. Whip it real good!!

    Exquisite mini. I´d love to see you do a whole retuine of these - all of Jes´s classic chaos champions are ace and that goes double for the slaaneshi set.

  4. Great as always Jakob. Did you ever get around to reshooting your old chaos stuff?

  5. Thanks All.

    Yeah, it would sure be cool to take the time to both hunt down AND paint all those classic models.

    I still have my classic chaos to re-shoot with the camera... Which Chaos god is the one who can provide additional hours during the day... :-)

    1. I thought you had a stack of these classics in your basement... :-)

      As for additional daylight I´d say Tzeentch - he is the changer of ways after all. He can probably take care of those temporal problams as well...

    2. temporal as in "time-related" that is.

    3. Well, Jeff Vader, I have a few of those models. But the whole collection is a great lot.

      Tzeentch it is then... :-)

  6. Brilliant!

    I would also love to see more photos of your old Chaos Army, if you get the time ;)


  7. Amazing work as always! Funny I just realised that this is based off the same sculpt I worked on for an old school chaos amazonian model that Julian Bayliss gave me. . .

  8. Amazing work as always! Funny I just realised that this is based off the same sculpt I worked on for an old school chaos amazonian model that Julian Bayliss gave me. . .

  9. Amazing work as always! Funny I just realised that this is based off the same sculpt I worked on for an old school chaos amazonian model that Julian Bayliss gave me. . .

  10. How did you do the purple metals? Iron-based colours with purple glazes?
