23 March, 2015

Awsome photo tutorial on Iron Sleet

If you have not read the simple but brilliant photo tutorial posted on ironsleet.com I suggest you visit theier site and take a look. I tried out the technique last week and the results were great. Here is the test subject, Ragnar Blackmane:

Worked on this big bad wolf last week for a special occation.
This week it is back to the eldar for the INVITATIONAL project.


  1. Classic!
    The blood effect is particularly good.

  2. Nice! Gotta try out that technique as well!

    Ragnar looks great. Boy, he's angry!

  3. Great job Jakob, everything pulls together really well. The base in particular caught my eye, any chance of a quick run through of how you've done it colour wise?

  4. Ragnar is lovely. The chipping and blood are perfect -- strong effects without being overwhelming.

    Like Steve, I'd also like to know how you've painted the base.

  5. Cheers all.
    He really is a classic model released back in 1992 I think. I he was quite quick and nice to paint. Great details and expression. A true classic making the test of time. I have a goal to paint more of Jes's designs, so I believe this is another one for that count.

    It looks like I will have to do a run down on that base. I'll get into it whan I have finished off the INVITATIONAL models...

  6. Hey Jakob, lovely to see this figure in the light!

    Excellent stuff, you are one of my favourite painters!

  7. Beautiful as always Jakob. Speaking of classic Goodwin sculpts, I'd love to see your take on Hrothyogg the Ogre Captain.
