09 October, 2014

Final WIP - Vilitch the Curseling

Looking nearly finished the model is not all there yet. A few little things has been touched since I took these images last Sunday. I sometimes do a few photos of a mini when I think it is almost there, but not quite at the same time either. A different set of eyes in a way, digital eyes, and blasted up in mega-size on the screen...

So seeing the mini up close in the photo I found a few little areas that could be improved. Mainly the feathers (deeper shading, stronger yellow), but also a few small other areas which has benefitted from a little more attention.


  1. Really cool. I love the chipping effects on the armor. Somehow you've taken the classic Tzeentch scheme and made it so much more realistic. Great stuff.

  2. This is great Jakob. I love the blue colour and hues together with the gold, yellow and pale flesh tones! And the reflections of his armour in the base makes a nice touch :)

  3. Thanks. @Tim: I really tried to get some bold old-school colours going, but wanted to give them a realistic touch - thus the chipped armour.
    @Stefan: The colour on the base is one of those obvious thing that we read about all the time. "Try to integrate the colour scheme of the mini into the base as well". I basically washed the base when I was working the colours into the model. Then afterwards I tweaked the base with drybrushing and some neutral colours.
