31 March, 2014

Terrain nostalgia

Visited my parents the past weekend and went through some old boxes with soldiers and terrain from my early years in the hobby. We are speaking early 90s for most of it, I believe. Look at that dark green on the terrain edges! Yikes!

The weird toadstool-like chaos terrain with the withered tree is from Spring 1999. Never put in the time to make a full chaos wastes themed gaming table like this. Would have been cool though...

23 March, 2014

Painting Crusade 2014

Returned last week for a blast of a miniatures weekend. I was invited to join the judging panel at Painting Crusade IX in Namur, Belgium. The event was great, cosy, and with some great entries. And most importantly I had the change to meet and talk about miniatures with a lot of excited and passionate people. For the judging I was teamed up with Benoît Ménard and Patrick Masson who both were great people, and I really enjoyed the daunting task. Lots of great models.

 A small part of the many models at the event.

An early Sunday morning walk along the river.

Duchess Death in the cabinet Sunday morning: 
Somehow the shifting sunlight in the cabinet glass made a bizarre 
reflection of light on her tail. Maybe she was a cute pony in a previous life...

During the past few months I have worked on a small booklet and managed to get it ready for the event.

08 March, 2014

Planning for Painting Crusade

A quick update showing a some of the minis that I plan to bring to show at the Painting Crusade event in Belgium next weekend.

Still need to pick a few more and plan how to best present them.

07 March, 2014

Photo setup

This blog has been quiet for a while. I have been working on a lot of things.
Among these miniatures and miniatures photography.

This is my photo setup as it looked in late February while doing a lot of mini-photography.
Not the best setup, but it works.

Now, I have got quite a lot of material that I hope to show over the coming months. I have a lot of models done over the past 2 years that has been only partially documented, so there is enough to get into and talk about.

My son has painted more miniatures - the little army now counts GK 5 terminators and 3 GK space marines - and he is still full of excitement for the hobby.

Finally, I am attending an event in Belgium: Painting Crusade taking place on March 15th-16th. I really look forward to going there, to meet fellow painters from central Europe and just to get out there and paint and talk about miniatures.